Main Outputs WP 8: Cross- Scale Transfer
Action No. 8.1: Setting regional building culture on the agenda of decision makers by Participative Symposia
Cultura del costruire e dell'abitare in Valtellina
Language: Italian
This publication is meant to summarize in a text focused on the Regional Building Culture the outcomes from the regional analysis, the study on Closed-Loop Economy approach in the pilot area and the discussions held within the Participative Symposium and the related follow-up workshop.
Video YouTube Convegno AlpBC – Sondrio 14 aprile 2015
Language: Italian
The video shows some moments of the Participative Symposium held in Sondrio organized in tandem by ERS and PIE
Video YouTube Progetto AlpBC – visita guidata alle cave di serpentino della Valmalenco
Language: Italian
The video shows some moments of the field visit to the serpentine quarries of Valmalenco organized in the framework of the Participative Symposium in Sondrio (15.04.2015)
GRADIMO ZA JUTRI: Trajnostna gradnja v lokalnem in nacionalnem okvirju
BUILDING FOR TOMORROW: capitalisation workshop
Capitalisation workshop was organised together with CABEE project and delivered a constructive debate on sustainable construction.
Action No. 8. 1 Documentation Symposium „Planen und Bauen in den Alpen“ Brochure Regional Building Culture
Action No. 8.3 Strategy for territorial competitiveness based on EU 2020 Strategy
Guidelines for harmonizing spatial and energy planning instruments (IT)
A document for the Municipalities of the Alpine territories giving the guidelines for the redaction of an energy planning document.
Guidelines/strategy for enhanced territorial competiveness in the ASP
These Guidelines concern the implementation, at a territorial level, of objectives drafted in the 2020 Strategy. Recommendations to enhance the territorial competitiveness are given following the requirements of 2020 strategy: smart, green and inclusive growth.
Further information